Sword and Sorcery School

Eldritch Theatre’s
Dungeons & Dragons Sword and Sorcery School
adventures for nerds and geeks


March Break Adventure Session
for ages 11 – 16 years old
March 11-15th, 2024

Registration: https://forms.gle/Lvn4DbHGkPsVrAvA7

In Person at Red Sandcastle
1:00PM – 5:00PM
at Red Sandcastle Theatre, 922 Queen St East
$225 + HST (258.75)
$200 + HST for Eldritch Members

? D&D beginners welcome!
? D&D pros welcome! (Bring your books!)
Gather ye witches, warlocks, and knights for Eldritch Theatre’s Online Dungeons & Dragons Adventures and battle fearsome fantastical foes in a mystical realm of virtual tabletop role playing.


Come for an adventure with our Professors for Sword and Sorcery School: your quests will be led by Dungeon Master Michael Ripley and Dark Arts Professor Eric Woolfe.

March Break Adventure Sessions: The Ominous Orb of Osgig Pomeranski

The Adventurers are sent on a dangerous quest, filled with treacherous traps, underground oozes, and cosmic terrors from beyond the boundaries of time, all to recover an ancient artifact that may, or may not be, the subject of a terrible curse.
Register: https://forms.gle/Lvn4DbHGkPsVrAvA7



Please keep in mind that this activity requires the participant to be an active listener and able to navigate the game. Gaming sessions will be conducted with D&D Beyond online. Should you have any questions please email eric@eldritchtheatre.ca


In-person players are encouraged to mask while inside the venue.
Our HEPA Filters will be operational throughout the session. 

We will be using DnD Beyond to help create a game that connects us digitally. *no fee needed, but adventures must sign up for a free membership in order to build their character and use it in game.

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