Welcome to Eldritch Theatre!
Eldritch Theatre’s gruesomely malevolent 24/25 season is upon us!
It has come shambling from some horrid vista beyond the Forgotten Stars! It drips with turgid, brackish liquescence, having baptized itself in the Black Waters of the Lake of Hali! Its bloodshot eyes bulge grotesquely, having stared without blinking into the ancient, raging winds that blast the Forbidden Plateau of Leng!
And now, having birthed itself in these horrors undreamed, it comes to you, Dear Audience, ready and willing to sacrifice its sanity for your palpitating entertainment, timorous terror, and soul-rending catharsis.
There are five spine-tingling spectacles in this season of grand guignol giddiness- Three produced by Eldritch Theatre and two special presentations from other arcane artists of masterful morbidity!
As always members of Eldritch Theatre’s Inner Sanctum will receive an illimitable number of discounted tickets to our petrifying performances, as well as other panic-inducing perks throughout the year!