Madhouse Variations

Madhouse Variations ()

Produced by

Eldritch Theatre

Creator: Eric Woolfe
Director: Christine Brubaker


The Theatre Centre (1087 Queen St W)


October 23rd, 2010 – November 7th, 2010


Based on stories by three of Horror’s Great Masters:
HP Lovecraft, ETA Hoffman & Algernon Blackwood!
A Brain Rending Trilogy of Drool Inducing Tales of Terror- with Puppets! (


Kimwun Perehinec Performer
Eric Woolfe Performer

Creative Team

Eric Woolfe Creator
Christine Brubaker Director
Mike Filippov Sound Designer
Melanie McNeill Set Designer
Melanie McNeill Costume Designer
Melanie McNeill Prop Designer
Gareth Crew Lighting Designer
Eric Woolfe Puppet Design


Sarah Bustard Stage Manager
Gillian Lewis Assistant Stage Manager
Gillian Lewis Production Manager
Colin Doyle Producer
Renna Reddie Producer
Bonnie Thomson Props Builder
Matt Peter Carpenter
Steve Lucas Pepper’s Ghost Consultant
Abby Swain Crew
Alex Naylor Crew
Colleen Pilger Crew
Eric Sullivan Crew
Howard Lou Crew
Janajan Kanakaratnam Crew
Laura Cournoyea Crew
Matt Peter Crew
Suzie Balogh Crew

Dora Award Winner: Outstanding Design

Now Magazine NNNN “Woolfe draws on deal with possession, demons, mechanical dolls and sex, sometimes all mixed together in an always-clever staging that includes brains, entrails and various forms of dismemberment.”

Mooney on Theatre “Highly creative, superbly written, and brilliantly performed, puppet theatre has taken on a whole new meaning!​”

Now Magazine Making a Madhouse Feature: 
Woolfe can wring laughs from horror stories as ingeniously as Nightmare On Elm Street’s Freddy Krueger can pile up corpses.”

NNNN “Woolfe draws on deal with possession, demons, mechanical dolls and sex, sometimes all mixed together in an always-clever staging that includes brains, entrails and various forms of dismemberment.”

-NOW Magazine

Highly creative, superbly written, and brilliantly performed, puppet theatre has taken on a whole new meaning!​”

-Mooney on Theatre

Making a Madhouse Feature: Woolfe can wring laughs from horror stories as ingeniously as Nightmare On Elm Street’s Freddy Krueger can pile up corpses.”

-NOW Magazine

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