Season Announcement 2022/2023

After 22 years of terrifying audiences with our own brand of giddy ghoulishness, Eldritch Theatre is pleased to announce its upcoming season of horrific hilarity, being performed in its very own Red Sandcastle Theatre…
The frightening festivities begin with guest artist The Pucking Fuppet Co.’s THE FAMILY CROW: A Murder Mystery is an hour-long comedy puppet show opening October 11th to 23rd, 2022. A mysterious murder has occurred amidst the Family Crow and now Horatio P. Corvus (Sorter Outer of Murders) is on the scene to crack the case. Eat your heart out, Agatha Crowstie. THE FAMILY CROW was created by internationally celebrated puppeteer Adam Francis Proulx and directed by Byron Laviolette of Morro and Jasp and Pearle Harbour fame.
“We are so honoured to have been asked to be a part of Eldritch’s first full season at the Red Sandcastle Theatre. When one makes silly, creepy puppet shows about murder, it is a rare occurrence to be able to say ‘it’s such a great fit’…. BUT IT IS! It’s all very exciting.” – Adam Francis Proulx, The Pucking Fuppet Co.
Halloween week will see the limited return of the infamous necromancer, Doctor Pretorius Wuthergloom, and his Dollhouse of Deadly Sins. On stage October 27th to October 31st, 2022. Wuthergloom, a 151 year old itinerant exorcist, presents an evening of blood curdling cautionary tales of foolish mortals whose sins beget their grim demise, presented with demented puppetry and feats of dark parlour. Recommended for those with mature and jaded hearts.
“Running the Sandcastle is a joy to see everyone’s creations come through our Queen Street East door – but creating our first season of theatre gives me more goosebumps than any Lovecraft tale! We want everyone who loves things that go bump in the night to feel they have a place to nerd out and be welcome all year long.” – Adrianna Prosser, Artistic Producer
Requiem for a Gumshoe is the second part of The Apocalypse Trilogy which began with our cult hit, Space Opera Zero. The weird-noir mix of hard-boiled mystery, Norse legend, and Lovecraftian horror, re-unites director, Dylan Trowbridge with Dora Award winning designer Melanie McNeill, and cast members Lisa Norton, Mairi Babb and Eric Woolfe, who also created this surreal, word-destroying, who-dunnit.
“It’s as if the Norse Legend of Ragnarok was the bastard love child of HP Lovecraft and Raymond Chandler.” – Eric Woolfe, Artistic Director
The season closes in April 2023 with TWO WEIRD TALES! Two classic tales of the nightmarish and uncanny, mixing high art and low pulp! This “fiendishly fun show,” (Glen Sumi, NOW Magazine) is directed by Mairi Babb, and performed by Eric Woolfe is “a whimsical, campy celebration of Kafka and H.P. Lovecraft. Intimate, eerie, goofy spectacle. And surprisingly faithful, even with the puppets & magic!” (Istvan Reviews).
We are also inviting you to become part of our Inner Sanctum, an Eldritch Theatre Member. For an annual fee of $50, you will receive exclusive discounts to all Eldritch Theatre shows this season, as well as special events, and secret activities. Your membership fees will go directly towards funding our work and improving our home, Red Sandcastle Theatre. Become a member today at: and unleash our dark magic into your everyday life.
FAMILY CROW: Murder Mystery
October 11th – 23th, 2022
Doc Wuthergloom's Dollhouse of Deadly Sins
October 27th – 30th, 2022
Requiem for a Gumshoe
November 24th – December 8th, 2022
April 19th – 30th, 2022