Performed & Created by Kira Hall, Michelle Urbano & Eric Woolfe
Written by Eric WoolfeDesigned by Melanie McNeill
Stage Managed by Sandi BeckerProduced by Emma Mackenzie Hillier
Live 3D created by Micha Dahan and developed by The Coalmine Theatre
Prop Assistance from Kelly Brigley
“SunnyClockwork’s Artwork Hub” by SunnyClockwork, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA.
Created & Performed by Eric Woolfe
Creepy Musician Kathleen Welch
Directed by Mairi Babb
Music by Marc Downing
Original Production Directed by Jason Charters
Puppets by Eric Woolfe & Dawn Weaver
Stage Managed by Sabrina Weinstein
Produced by Emma Mackenzie Hillier
Plus Other Sundry Horrors and Night Terrors!
Presenting The 2024/25 Company of Ghouls

Eric Woolfe
(Creator, Actor, Puppet Designer : Phantasmagoria 3D!, Billy Wuthergloom, MacBeth)
Eric Woolfe was born the bastard child of an itinerant sideshow contortionist, and a door-to-door alienist. He began his career at the age of eight and three quarters, when a national famine forced him to follow his mother’s twisted feet into show business. Following failed careers as a learned pig tamer, flea circus promoter, and gaffed armless calligrapher, he formed Eldritch Theatre after losing a bar bet. He is now an actor, writer and puppeteer, as well as being a noted spiritualist huckster. He is often visited by the ghost of his beloved miniature schnauzer, Schubert, who offers Mister Woolfe valuable career advice, such as “You should chase more squirrels,” and “You better hide in the basement when there is thunder outside.” Mr Woolfe has many credits, projects and award nominations, but his favourite by far is George A Romero’s maritime western zombie masterpiece, Survival of the Dead. @EricWoolfe

Melanie McNeill
(Designer: Phantasmagoria3D, MacBeth)
Melanie is a set and costume designer who created the non-Euclidian, mad-blasted, architecturally anomalous, temple of unholy abomination, known to the students at Miskatonic University as the Pit with a Thousand Steps. Her efforts on this project won her two Dora Mavor Moore Awards, a pickled Siamese twin in a mayonnaise jar, and a thirty-year stint in a padded room at Ravenscrag Asylum for the Mentally Deranged. It is said that her fingernails are made of needles, and to look into her eyes is to see one’s darkest, most secret fears writ large across the sky, in words penned in streaks of lightning. I have feared many dark things in my life. But I fear Melanie most of all.

Dylan Trowbridge
(Director: MacBeth)
Dylan Trowbridge is the Seventh Son of a Seventh Son, and so his guardian knew he would never come to no good. When he turned 13, his guardian saw that the change was a gunna come, and locked Dylan deep down in the earthen cellar of the family domicile to prevent the boy from a doing harm to the other kith and kin. Well, that young Dylan, he cried piteously for the first night or two, but once that gibbous moon turned to full, all that weeping and a wailing started to sound more like a growling and a howling, and that’s when the Trowbridge family knew the youngest of their clan could never be let out of the hole.

Emma Mackenzie Hillier
(Director of the Canny)
There are dark, dusty rooms lined with cobweb covered shelves, that hold row upon row of dry, ancient tomes, whose pages are filled with abominated blasphemies and arcane, forbidden secrets that no human mind was ever meant to know. The words in these books were never meant to be uttered by the human tongue, and the glyphs, runic markings, and strange symbols scrawled on their worm chewed pages should never be seen, let alone studied. Yet, Emma Mackenzie Hillier knows them all. She has folded dog ears to mark her favourite passages of the Al Assif. She’s doodled in the margins of Unaussprechlichen Kulten and underlined the dirty bits of Die Wurmis Mysterious in light blue ink. You wanna talk about necromantic incantations? Oh, she knows necromantic incantations. And she knows every dark star they need to be uttered under to make them come true.

Mairi Babb
(Director: Billy Wuthergloom)
Mairi became the Head Witch of the Dread Coven of Danforth Avenue at the tender age of 13 when she shoved Prickled Gertie Rumplehump into a wood burning stove, baked her into a tortiere,and stole her broomstick and crown. Mairi’s voice can hit notes so high, that only creatures of the night can hear them. She has danced with the Mi-Go on Signal Hill, had tea with the Black Goat of the Forest, and painted her own kitchen with the Colours out of Space. Small children fear her. It is said that on nights when the moon is gibbous, she sneaks through your bedroom window as you sleep, and sits on your chest, and when your nightmares begin, she smiles and inhales the life from your body as your panicked, yet slumbering, breath ebbs from your dying body. As you drift into death, her red, red eyes are the last things you see. And you yearn for them. Dear gods! You yearn for them!

Boogie Bear
(Performer: Billy Wuthergloom, MacBeth)
A long time friend of Eldritch Theatre’s artistic director, Boogie Bear has been a profesionnal performer since the 1980s, performing alongside some of the greatest actors and directors in Canadian Theatre history, including Martha Henry, Nicola Lipman, James Blendick, William Hutt and Eric Woolfe. His stage and film credits include The Brighton Beach Trilogy (Grand Theatre), The Strange & Eerie Memoirs of Billy Wuthergloom, Requiem for a Gumshoe, MacBeth: A Tale Told by an Idiot (Eldritch Theatre) and other works. He would like to thank his agent and the Great Old Ones That Always Were and Shall Be Again.

Kira Hall
(Performer, Creator: Phantasmagoria3D)
Kira was once a great concert pianist, who tragically had their magnificent hands severed from their body when their train crashed headlong into a giant elephant that had escaped from its abusive masters at a disreputable circus. Sadly, the celebrated pachyderm met a horrific demise, and thus, the doctors were determined that the same fate should not befall Kira Hall! The world could not lose two celebrated entertainers in a single night! Kira’s hands could not be saved, and so their surgeons, working feverishly, replaced them with the hands of a psychopathic murderer who also died on the train. Kira lives. Oh, they live. But their hands are not their own. Their hands do horrible things. Brutal sadistic things. Things not void of artistry or dark brilliance, but things far, far removed from the uplifting, angelic music they once made…

Michelle Urbano
(Performer, Creator: Phantasmagoria)
And I saw Michelle Urbano coming out of the sea. It had ten horns and seven heads, with ten crowns on its horns, and on each head a blasphemous name. The Michelle Urbano I saw resembled a leopard, but had feet like those of a bear and a mouth like that of a lion. The dragon gave Michelle his power and his throne and great authority. One of the heads of Michelle Urbano seemed to have had a fatal wound, but the fatal wound had been healed. The whole world was filled with wonder and followed Michelle Urbano. People worshipped the dragon because he had given authority to Michelle, and they also worshipped Michelle and asked, “Who is like Michelle Urbano? Who can wage war against it?”

Kathleen Welch
(Creepy Musician : Billy Wuthergloom)
There is a twisted, gnarled wood, deep in the heart of Bosfordia, a wood so old and feared, none alive remember its name. It is said, that if you stray into that ancient forest, and are foolish enough to stray from the path, you may come across a strange cottage in the shape of a giant meat pie. A moat of gravy surrounds this meat pie hut. And a plume of savoury steam puffs out from its pastry chimney. Inside, if you are stupid enough to go inside, you will be greeted by a strange old hag, called Auntie Kathleen. She may appear to be young and fair. But that is not her true face. That is a glamour she’s cast to lure you into her cauldron, so she may eat you alive. Her teeth are iron. Her single eye is yellow. And her hands end in horrible talons that can tear your raw flesh from your bones. She travels through the air on a strange bird, that is half dodo, and half cast iron pot. To see her is to lose your way, to despair, and to die.

Carolyn Mackenzie
(Stage Manager: Macbeth)
Do remember that time you woke alone in the middle of the night, and it was dark, and you reached for your glasses on your bed side table… And then someone – or something – put those glasses into your hand? That was Carolyn Mackenzie. And when the lights were out, and it was three in the morning, and you thought you heard breathing, but there was no one else with you in the room…? That was her too. And when that nervous child you used to babysit when you were 15 said that they couldn’t sleep because they were afraid there was a monster under the covers and it was going to grab their toes? Also Carolyn Mackenzie. And she was going to grab their toes! And then she was going to tear off their skin, and pop their little eyes out of their little heads, and she was going to eat them all up. But you stopped her, that night when you were babysitting and you were 15. You spoiled her dinner… And she’s been mad at you ever since. That’s why she stares at you when you sleep. She’s just waiting. Waiting for her chance to take revenge.

Sandi Becker
(Stage Manager: Phantasmagoria3D)
Sandi Becker strikes fear into the hearts of the weak and foolish. She has retractable fangs. And, due to a recurring battle with Early Onslaught Lycanthropy, has become a passionate advocate for promoting tolerance to Werewolfism in school age children. She can kill you with a look, and if you are not in bed by 9 o’clock, she’ll come to you in the darkness, slip you into a bag made from cat skin, and take you to her mouldy, mildewed lair. What will happen there? No one has lived to tell the tale.

Sabrina Weinstein
(Stage Manager: Billy Wuthergloom)
In the grim ghastly nights never ending,
When the chittering byakhee howl,
And the black eyed children are screaming,
That’s the time cruel Sabrina does prowl.
She catches with claws, ever rending,
And snaps with her teeth like white knives,
Through dark cobbled paths, she comes wending,
To bring sudden end to our lives.
And all her demonic servants attending,
Applaud her with cheers and high fives.

Marc Downing
(Composer: Billy Wuthergloom)
In sunken R’lyeh, where Marc Downing dwells, the geometry is non-Euclidean, and sound is space, and space is a sort of music, and music is madness. Oh, such horrid, horrid madness. In Marc’s domain the Chaos Dogs tango, and the Choir of Plagues chants bleak hymns and the Faceless Children shriek, although they have no mouths, and their endless wailing and cries serve as nourishment for the swarms of swirling, comping, Nightmare Fish that Marc call’s his “fetid little children”. They are, in a way, his children, for they were born from his evil dreams. And his evil dreams will get us all in the end.

Oswald Pomeranski
(Castle Ghost)
Oswald Pomeranski was brutally murdered in 1876 over a dispute involving a volunteer fireman, a pretty female circus worker, and a foppish hat. His corpse was hidden in the walls of the Red Sandcastle Theatre during its construction. And he haunts the theatre still, mostly in the form of a glowing round orb that appears on the security cameras at night. All night. Every night. When not haunting the theatre, Oswald lists his hobbies as card collecting, philately, and “googling the new music the live folk is listening to these modern times.”

JB Nelles
(Design Assistant: MacBeth)
Last night, around midnight, I saw JB Nelles in a shadow cast by the light of the moon, and in that silver, pallid effulgence, I witnessed a horror that I shall render me sleepless till my dying day. JB Nelles may look human; they are not. Their true face, a face of indescribable horror, can only be glimpsed when the moon is gibbous and the stars are right. For I beheld their gaping maw grow cavernous, and vast, with a multiplicity of razor sharp teeth, dripping with viscous drool and steaming blood. They ate small children in that strange lunar glow, and kittens, and an old hobo the neighbours called Stew Sock Jim. They even swallowed a sewer rat hole. When I see JB by daylight, I will smile and say hello. But if ever I meet them again by moonlight, I’ll run. Dear lord, how I will run!

Gareth Crew
(Lighting Designer: MacBeth)
Gareth Crew has seen you before. And you saw him. Do you remember that night, when you were very small, and you woke from a deep sleep with a start? You thought you heard a noise, a scratching at your window. But you couldn’t be sure; the curtains were closed. But then it came again… Skritch. Skritch. Skritch. You wanted to run, or at least hide under your covers. With every fibre of your being you wanted to scream for your parents to come get you, and rescue you, and spirit you away to the safety of their bed. But you couldn’t move. You were frozen in place. You couldn’t even gasp in terror…. Skritch. Skritch. Skritch… The sound came again. Your eyes were glued to the curtain, as it began to move of its own accord. And there! In the darkness, staring from the other side of the chilly glass, was a man with ice for eyeballs. And a meat hook for a nose. Well… that was Gareth Crew.

Dr Pretorious Wuthergloom
(Resident Exorcist)
He’s been called the Second Most Evil Person in the World- or maybe the fourth or fifth. Rasputin avoided him like the plague, saying, “His creepy eyes mess me up. Now give me vodka.” Doc Wuthergloom was born over a hundred and fifty years ago in the slums of Whitechapel, London, England and was soon sold as an apprentice to a cruel apothecary in the Storyville district New Orleans. After being seduced by a malevolent spectre disguised as a charming young damsel, Wuthergloom was coerced into murdering his wife and son, and thereafter cursed with immortality and no small degree of curmudgeonliness. He travels the countryside in a ramshackle showman’s wagon, selling his arcane wears to poor unfortunate souls who are plagued by the supernatural. Poor unfortunate souls like you.

Paula Schultz
(Caesarina: Here There Be Monsters)
There is a gloomy, cobweb shrouded crypt, where Paula Schultz sleeps during the sunlight hours, her body lythe and pale and oh so very cold to the touch. Her coffin is lined with lush purple velvet, an empress’s colour, and the colour of her lips, which hide the sharp fangs she uses to feed. To feel her fangs on your flesh is to feel both profound pleasure and pain, beyond human imagining. Those fangs are the last thing you will feel. In the extasy of death, she will drain your veins dry of blood. And in three nights hence you will rise from your dusty grave, nothing left of your soul and will, doomed to be Paula Schultz’s mindless, drooling slave until she tires of her immortality, and at last allows herself to crumble in the sunlight.